Ennio Morricone ©Getty images

Mio Caro Dottor Grasler [B.O.F.]

Mio Caro Dottor Grasler [B.O.F.]

Mio Caro Dottor Grasler [B.O.F.]

  1. Capable of Love
  2. Return to Lanzarote
  3. Strange Feelings
  4. My Dear Dr. Gräsler
  5. Blank Letter
  6. Perfect Wife
  7. Fanny
  8. Something of a Nomad
  9. Katharina
  10. Bad Luck
  11. Sabine
  12. A Love Match
  13. Seduction
  14. The Bachelor
  15. 1914
  16. The World of Yesterday
  17. The Decision
  18. Libeslied
